... because life's too short to do anything ALL the time . Creativity and positivity are my "hiraeth"

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Me time?

Being able to blog in bed while Hubby snores away by the side of me, has it's merits. I know I keep banging on about it but there just aren't enough hours in the day. I made a decision today. In light of my current health status, I'm giving some things up. The first to go is my little domestic assistance job I do on a Monday. Delightful lady, but it's a lot of work, especially after my weekend on, so that's gone. Second to go is my craft group. I know that's only a couple of hours, but there are only a few of us, we don't seem to be able to please anyone really, so I'm reclaiming my Tuesday morning too. With a bit of luck I'll be able to spend some time on me now, doing the things I want to do. I think I've learned how to sew stretchy fabric now too. Just as well really, it's only two weeks until Download now, and I have a wardrobe to create!

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Definitely More Than Bubbles!

So my delivery from the Micheldean Soap co arrived a dew days ago. Being a big fan of Lush products I was wondering how it would compare. The answer is - it doesn't. It's far superior. The undescribeable smell is simply heavenly, and the product quality is incredible. When I placed my order, I ordered some body butter to go with some toiletry bags I bought before January the first for my Mothers. The Mumatron was up though last night and I deemed it criminal for such luxury to have to wait until July, so she went home with hers. A totally ethical product of utter luxury, I urge you all to purchase - Lush won't get a look in from me now!

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Fashion is for Loosers

So I'm just getting into bed after accomplishing another day of mis-shapen bits'n'bobs. I acquired from my grandmother today a suitcase full of bed linen and two magnificent "old person" dressing gowns. Yes, I do intend to wear them. Well, one of them. The other is a lovely blank piece of fabric I can use for other things. The bed linen is lovely. Not exactly fashionable, but hey, fashion IS FOR loosers. Whatever I don't use is more fabric for re-use.
I know I've not told you about my delivery yet from Sara Soap - I need some time to do that one justice! Hubby and I took the hounds out on the moor for a good long walk this morning. The trees reminded me of Narnia. Now why the heck isn't Narnia already in predictive text? Everyone knows about Narnia, surely?!
-- I sent this from my 3 mobile --
So I'm just getting into bed after accomplishing another day of mis-shapen bits'n'bobs. I acquired from my grandmother today a suitcase full of bed linen and two magnificent "old person" dressing gowns. Yes, I do intend to wear them. Well, one of them. The other is a lovely blank piece of fabric I can use for other things. The bed linen is lovely. Not exactly fashionable, but hey, fashion IS FOR loosers. Whatever I don't use is more fabric for re-use.
I know I've not told you about my delivery yet from Sara Soap - I need some time to do that one justice! Hubby and I took the hounds out on the moor for a good long walk this morning. The trees reminded me of Narnia. Now why the heck isn't Narnia already in predictive text? Everyone knows about Narnia, surely?!
-- I sent this from my 3 mobile --

Monday, 17 May 2010

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So I'm rather hoping that I've cracked it and can post to blogger from my phone. Am I there yet?

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I'm rather hoping I've cracked it and am now able to post from my phone. Am I there yet?

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Scratch and Sniff

I'm rather impressed with myself today. I had a sore throat yesterday all day and when I woke up this morning it was dreadful. Felt like someone had snuck in and poured acid down my throat in the night. Add in cold sweats, aching from head to toe and ears feeling like they've been stuffed with cotton wool, and that just about sums up how I've felt today.

I called in sick to work, hardly fair of me to pass that on to my lovely carees (and I think I got it from one of them in the first place) and stayed in bed. Until 17.00. And I reckon I must have been awake for less than an hour all day. Hubby very kindly then cooked me some tea and within half hour, I'm feeling wiped out again. Sucks. I don't get ill like this these days as my diet is so good. I've managed to see off all germs like that since I started on Slimming World - another good reason to join as if loosing massive amounts of weight wasn't enough!

I have some exciting news to pass on. I have been elected President of the Crumlin Women's Institute for the year. I'm really looking forward to the challenge and will be going out of my way to raise the profile of the W.I. in my locality and gain some new (hopefully younger) members to rejuvenate the group. I'm intending approaching the local papers and radio stations with the hope of doing some PR - has anyone any contacts I might be able to exploit or ideas for how to generate new members? Thinking caps on!

I also had to buy something. I didn't just "fall in love with some new shoes or anything, don't worry, my expenditure was justified, but I still feel a bit bad about it! I had to buy some new pants. My old undercrackers had literally fallen to pieces and, when you take into account my weight loss, they were quite literally falling off. Not a good look! Even then, though, I rejected consumerism - I took them to the till to pay and the lady told me that they were on offer, buy one get one half price. Well I did some quick mental calculations and decided to reject an obvious attempt to get me to part with even more cash, and declined the offer. I was pleased with that. I think previously I would have ran back and got the other pack, but I really didn't "need" them. It's only a bargain if you genuinely need it! I also had to buy a hat for Download. I very nearly passed out with sun last year, so I picked up my black trilby. I had asked EVERYONE I know, but no one had one I could steal. The fact that I have to have men's hats does not help either. Unfortunately I have a rather large cranium, which does limit my options!

We went to a car boot sale on Sunday and I was rather pleased with my treasure I found there. I went looking for craft material, wool, buttons, that sort of thing, but I was pleased to find some people there selling things from a hotel or B&B they must've given up. I unfortunately dropped my hand blender the other day. I'm gutted actually because I've only had it 10 years. It has (had) loads of life left in it yet. It isn't dead yet, but it's certainly not very well. I thought I could do with a proper blender because of all the soups and health foods I make and I managed to pick up an industrial one for £7 at the car boot, and the sellers threw in a spare jug too so I can make double quantities now too.

Meg had some lovely bargains that saved her some money. Corkscrew hair curlers, never been used and two lovely going out jackets, some lovely bits and pieces to go in her wardrobe (still bloomin' growing, her, not the wardrobe!) and all without going into a shop. See previous blog about value.

The craft group is making a real big dent in the preparations for the local fun day. We've now made yards and yards and yards of bunting, still got much more to do though, and all the signs etc for the stalls for the day. It's going to be a good day. It certainly was last year, despite the weather. After the decorations are finished, we then start on the costumes for the pantomimes. Now that WILL be fun!

I had an idea for a one piece cardigan last week too. I had wool at home that my Nana had picked up for me, so I've stared that off now too. I've combined two different yarns in sort of stripes for effect and ear marked a huge reclaimed horn shaped button for the front. It's predominantly mohair and makes my nose itch like hell when I'm crocheting it, but it's looking pretty good. I rather hope it works to plan, and, to be honest I can't see why it wouldn't.

We'd been promised a TV bracket a while ago for our little portable telly downstairs, but, to tell the truth, we got fed up of waiting! Hubby "liberated" some timber that had been fly tipped, picked up a couple of brackets and has manufactured an absolutely stonking purpose built bracket. I'm really pleased with it - was definitely worth the wait.

So it's officially the time that I can start packing for Download and I really need to get cracking on my outfits. I have several items needing my attention for the weekend. and I'll keep you informed as to my progress. I can't believe it's only 3 weeks away, I can keep my fingers crossed from now on for the weather.

Coming on tomorrow's blog - I have nearly run out of soap, so I placed my first order from the Mitcheldean Soap Co. Look out for the loveliness tomorrow ... does anyone know how to do a scratch and sniff blog...?!

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Soup and Line Dancing

It comes to something when you need to go to work for a rest. As you know I love my work, and I also seem to love to agree to work when I don't want to . I really need to get more strict with what I agree to doing. I've agreed to work a shift tonight, even though it's not really convenient. Well, I say "a shift" what I actually mean is that I'm taking a partially sighted lady line dancing! And getting paid for it! I know! How could I refuse?!?

The members of the craft group have dwindled and I'm quickly realising that not only can you not please all the people all the time, but you can't please any of the people any of the time. I'm not going to pack it in though, there's a little hardcore group of us that are using the time wisely, making things for the community fun day in June, at the moment making miles and miles and miles of bunting for the streets. We're having a band parade and EVERYTHING, so I'll be able to stand there looking at my old bedsheets flapping about on a lamp post thinking "I remember having that on the bed!".

This afternoon, I'm babysitting my Stepmother's shop. It's the most peace and quiet I've had for ages. Which isn't that peaceful or quiet because I've just made a nice big sale and taken a load of orders. I am glad now for five minutes peace because I don't seem to have had 5 minutes to write for ages.

So the festivals are looming and I'm getting thinner. I need some more peace and quiet so that I can get on with my clothing alterations. I now have very few pairs of trousers I can wear and only one pair of jeans. I have another pair that I can get away with when I pull my belt tight enough to keep them up but there's inches of squashed up fabric around my waist. I'm not bragging about it, it's been slow and bloody hard work, It's just that I can't just pop out and buy some new jeans or anything, so I have a plan.

Seeing as I'm in the market now (Pontypool Indoor) I'm going to go and have a chat with the nice lady who has the Make, Do and Mend stall and see if we can come up with an arrangement to take in my jeans. My machine simply can't cope with the fabric, and I don't think I'm quite THAT brave to try with jeans anyway. A few of my pairs will nearly have to be cut in half, I'd think! I'll enjoy wearing the smaller versions.

The beetroot soup went down a storm. Ms. Brooks had pink teeth for a week, so I believe! Roasted a load of tomatoes yesterday and I'm going to blend them all up when I get home for some soup. As Download is looming SO fast I have embarked on a punishing gym routine in order to get some more pounds off before then. I have to go to the gym once I'm done her (the 8th time in 8 days) and then home for some soup and line dancing. I'm so rock'n'roll :)

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Rude and Crude - and wedding cake!

Mission birthday cake achieved and delivered. Really, really late. Terribly sorry about that Step-mother. Follow up gift DEFINITELY required.

Polling day. Finally. Maybe the news will talk about something else after the next day or so. I must be honest I was SO confused about what to do and who to vote for that I did consider not voting. The trouble with that was that every time I closed my eyes I could see Emiline Pankhurst chaining herself to railings. But the thing is, the people I want in power where I live sadly are representatives of the person I do not want in power in Westminster.

So, I ask this question. Talking of the oil spillage, which we weren't. Why is it that BP have sought to stick a massive bung in the hole spewing crude oil in to the gulf area after 16 days? Would it not have been a better idea to have done it immediately?

I heard earlier that BP were adopting a new approach earlier today. Instead of stood watching the oil gush out, thumb up bum, they were going to try to "catch" the oil and try to store it in a tanker. Well, I bet the person that came up with THAT idea has a degree in cunningness from the university of cunning. For goodness sake people.

And why is it that several news stations, naming no names (Radio 1 Newsbeat and Radio 4 - yes, I kid you not Radio 4), have reported in the last week that "authorities are worried about the environmental disaster that could be posed by the oil spillage". Is it not already an environmental disaster?!?! Exactly how could it dissipate with no other consequences? Bloody BP, profit before everything - they've got us over an (oil) barrel though, haven't they?

Well, I've just been told that Hubby had to go out and buy another sack of Goat fodder yesterday as the little blighter had pulled the other sack down and eaten it.

Apparently, she (her sex is once again up for debate - Hubby's convinced of her maleness!) has only gone and pulled the new bag down and eaten that now too! I hear she can barely move, she's eaten so bloomin' much. The fat get!

And Ms. Brooks reports that while tasting lush, my beetroot soup has the effect of a 1980's plaque highlighting tablet on her teeth! Ha ha ha ha ha - I'd pay good money to see that! I'm locking up my food cupboard tomorrow as Ms. Callan and her "gentleman caller" are coming to visit and she might try to rob more of my scran. You know what she's like. I think I'll knock up a little banana cake to give some (unnecessary) assistance to the nuptial arrangements.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Touring is the new Rock'n'Roll

I'm not feeling myself at the moment, I'm really not.

One would think that after a weekend away I would be refreshed and ready to fight the world. In actual fact I can barely stay awake. I don't know why.

So the first trip out in the caravan was MARVELOUS! I'm officially hooked. No more airports for me - (not that I'm overly familiar with them anyway), the tourer is the new rock'n'roll. Most def.

I usual lady fashion, I was determined to have a go at towing the van on our first trip out. You never know what might happen and then I might have to tow it somewhere in the future, so I was determined to get my practice in. So we pulled over about half way-ish and I said that I would have my go. I'm a confident driver, never had a bump, driven on the continent and in the states, so I'm not nervy but it was the first time I've done anything like that.

156 miles I towed all 22 feet double axlness of it. I quite enjoyed it and it wasn't too scary at all. Half way I towed and right into the campsite that would be our home for the next two nights. I even turned it. Hubby then said "do you want me to reverse it back into the plot?" to which I replied "yeah - ok then, why not?"

So I jumped out, he jumped in, and reversed it into the fence.

I must confess I did laugh quite a bit.

The dogs loved the outdoors, and, because we're incredibly sad, we spend quite a lot of time in the van when it's parked up at home, the dogs are really familiar with it, so they relax immediately. The Goat was being very kindly looked after by our lovely neighbor.

In an effort beneficial for several reasons I've just paid up for a month at the gym. I know, I know, I hate the gym. I'm fundamentally opposed to the gym on every level. But I want to see if more exercise makes me feel more energised. It's also only 6 weeks to Download and I'm using that as a goal to get some more weight off. It has rather slowed down, to say the least. So I'm busting my ass down there every day now. I hate it, but needs must. At this point, I would usually have gone out and bought new gym clothes that I don't need to try to guilt myself into it. I do feel rather smug that I haven't wasted any money!

I still have a massive to-do list, but without any energy, everything's SO much more effort.