... because life's too short to do anything ALL the time . Creativity and positivity are my "hiraeth"

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Gratuitous Spaniel Photos

I don't apologise one bit for sharing this picture of my gorgeous Spaniel. His gorgeousness deserves to be shared - I look at it as a public service. And in fairness he is under one of my most favourite candy stripe brushed cotton sheets from the actual 1950's that I was so excited about inheriting from my Grandmother.

One of the five, count 'em - five, funerals I went to of late, my Grandmothers lifelong friend Enid was sadly one of them. She had been quite frail and vulnerable for a long time, but before she got very ill, she used to do a bit of knitting as most ladies of that generation did. My Grandmother gave me a sack of wool odments that she had been given from Enids house and there were two half made Tom Baker style scarves. I joined them together and fringed it - I don't think there's anything prettier in the world. ANd I get to carry a bit of Enid around with me wherever I go.

So, Steve's back in hospital, not fun, and a side effect of my looking after him full time is that I have put a lot of weight back on. The difference is this time, I quite like it.

What I don't like is constantly having to spend a fortune on ever bigger underwear. So I'm going to make my own.

Watch this space!

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