So, yesterday, I got to spend a couple of rare and relatively undisturbed hours with Lady Jess of Evanshire, and she gave me the good talking to that I'd been trying to give myself. She succeeded where I failed miserably.
No change there then.
And she looked like a hot 1980's teenage boy's "damp night time hallucinations". You could go off some people.
So she pointed out that I have once again failed to be looking after my well-being in a holistic sense, and accidentally neglected my creative side, resulting in my being a bit grumpy and cross.
So I made two dresses. And I love them both.
I'll love them a lot more when I've lost the 1/2 stone I've put back on so they're not screaming at the seams.
Coming soon .... my coffee table adventures. Ooo - er, sounds rude - I'm disappointed to report that it is not possible to be less rude.
And cake.
Both dresses are wonderful it is difficult to decide which one is the best but I think I like Number two just a smiggin more.
ReplyDeleteI often give myself a good talking to but somehow I never listen....
Take care, keep safe, be happy
Beverley xx