... because life's too short to do anything ALL the time . Creativity and positivity are my "hiraeth"

Saturday, 1 January 2011

...and the Sun .... and the Mail....


A MUM yesterday completed her challenge of going a YEAR without a shopping trip.

Bethan Brunell, 34, gave up her usual clothes sprees, retail therapy and impulse-buying in the sales.

She borrowed clothes from pals and even made her own Christmas decorations and presents for hubby Steve, 42, and teenage daughter Megan.

Former recruitment consultant Bethan reckons she saved more than £1,000 over the year.

She said: "It meant I had to live a less materialistic lifestyle but it was worth it.

"I will never go back to shopping as a sport but I won't be living as cheaply this year. It has been an interesting experiment and has given me a more soulful existence."

But Bethan, of Pontypool, South Wales, said she is chuffed with her first purchase since her ban ended - a brand new pair of fitted jeans.

Bethan said: "I've borrowed other people's clothes all year, so it is great to have a pair of jeans that fit me perfectly.

"I can't wait to have the occasional treat of a new dress but there is so much more to life than material happiness."

Bethan restricted herself to buying three essentials - food, fuel and toiletries.

But having lost three stone over the year, Bethan admitted she had to go to Marks & Spencer for new pants. She said: "Buying knickers was essential - so that didn't count as a shopping trip."

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