... because life's too short to do anything ALL the time . Creativity and positivity are my "hiraeth"

Monday, 15 February 2010

Monday Afternoon Baking

Rain stopped play on the mountain today after 4/5 hours. This photo was taken before today's work, but I don't think you'd be able to see what I did really anyway because of the way the land lies. I must take some pictures from the bottom so you can see how steep it is - you really can't tell from this!

Two bonfires and tonnes more raking and clearing have left us a bit more knackered than we were yesterday, so the rain wasn't that much of a nause. It's the gradient that's the killer.

We've now spent some money on it. We bought fencing, not enough for all of it, but enough to keep the kids out. There's so many sheer drops, glass and rubble at the moment that it's really quite dangerous for adults, and you know what kids are like. We couldn't not buy it, we'd be leaving ourselves wide open. We just hope that when the time comes that they can tip my lovely topsoil over the top of the fence. Of course, we didn't buy it from B&Q, we bought it from a local farm shop and, luckily, it was a hell of a lot cheaper there too.

I've now officially become a gardener. I've found myself going through my wardrobe looking for clothing that doesn't look too shameful but doesn't matter if it gets wrecked. I just can't wait to get the steps in to the top half - take a lot of the "bum work" out of it! This is a life changing development, this hillside. It's going to require a lot of my time and attention. But don't you worry - I'll still find time to go wittering on on here!

So, rain stopped play after lunch, so what else to do but bake cakes? 5 batches of biscuits and a banana cake (my famous banana cake! recipe on request). My biscuits turned out with varying successes, one recipe in several variations, but I'm not overly enamored by the recipe, so I'll find a new one. Anyone got a good one? Still, got some supplies for Wednesday. Would have had more but we had to try them (",)!

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