... because life's too short to do anything ALL the time . Creativity and positivity are my "hiraeth"

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Circular Movements

Well I'm rather proud of myself today. Megs keeps getting a trapped nerve from carrying her art folder to school and back. It is rather large, so I offered to make her a bag to put it in.

Of course, if had to be the correct colour (black), so, with the aid of a black cotton single bed sheet, I knocked her one up. If I do say so, it's rather good. Photos to follow. I begged her to let me bead it, and we've come to an agreement - "OK, but NOT TOO MAD!". I'm not entirely sure I can keep up my end of the bargain!

I spent twenty minutes this afternoon on the phone to a friend who is a fellow craft nut. It's an unlikely friendship as she used to teach me Home Economics in school. My first sewing machine was threaded under her supervision as was the baking of my first rock cake.

Reflecting on this I realised just how much has gone full circle. In my Grandmother's day, they had little choice than to live in a "make do and mend" culture. My Mother's generation rebelled quite the opposite way, and now, here I am trying to recapture the spirit of conscience and war time thrift.

People who know me know that I'm a proud W.I. member, as is my Grandmother. My Mother isn't quite as keen. Although very crafty (in more ways than one!), my Mother isn't really a W.I. sort, but I am working on her! In lots of respects, it seems I have more in common with my Grandmother's generation than my Mothers.

I remember years ago, Wilkinsons in Blackwood was the Co-Op. Then it was replaced with something else, now, I do some shopping for my Grandmother in the Co-op in Newbridge. Sewing implements I used to mess with as a child are being donated to me by my Grandmother, and it feels REALLY good to see things I've not laid eyes on for 25 years or more.

Interaction between generations is essential and it's important that skills are passed down for generations to come. It makes us more resourceful, but, I think, even more importantly, it makes us feel like we belong.


  1. My Mum couldn't sew for toffee, she used to thread a needle and do a few "homeward bounders" as she called them if anything needed fixing. My Dad taught me how to use a sewing machine and I was hooked. There was a huge material shop in the village, which was an incentive. Sad thing is, I still drool at the sight of rolls of fabric and bits and bobs.
    My girls didn't get the sewing bug but Leah is in to am. dram. quite creative.

  2. I suppose with the AM Dram there's plenty of costume making potential! It's amazing to sit and discuss projects with the lady who taught me to thread my first machine, but remember, I'm 33 now, I was only a partial convert up until fairly recently, so don't give up on the girls yet. There's plenty of time. But yes, I know what you mean about rolls of fabric and bits'n'bobs. Yummy!!!
