... because life's too short to do anything ALL the time . Creativity and positivity are my "hiraeth"

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Heirlooms. One of My Favourite Words.

I think we established yesterday that half of my family has departed this mortal world of late.

It's a sad fact that with that comes a huge amount of "stuff" needs distributing - things that were previously much loved possessions. And I find joy no where more than having something beautiful passed down to me, I'm not interested in it's monetary value, it's all about provenance.

Nana Maisey was an incredible lady. Married to the Admiral of the Merchant Navy fleet, she was an incredible people person and when she left at 93 (I think), she was one of the youngest people I knew. She also had amazing taste. She bequeathed me a beautiful strawberry full tea set, a third set of cultured vintage pearls, and when my lovely Mum in law was clearing some things out the other day she came out with this rather ugly (but dead useful) reindeer bag and asked me if I would like the contents as she thought they were right up my my street. And my goodness how right she was.

How incredibly beautiful are they? Almost a shame to hang clothes on them!

And as you can see I have a miserable, lonely and uncomfortable Spaniel who hates his life. I'd phone the RSPCA if I was him.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Right, Life, Now You're Having it Full in the Face.

Sometimes, there is no rhyme or reason. I'm fairly pragmatic about life, not being alive, that sort of thing but recent times have tested even my resolve.

First, a young gent I grew up with sadly lost his life in an accident I couldn't make his funeral because of Steve's needs. Then our beloved and every youthful Nana Maisey went, then Enid, family friend of 8 decades nearly, she had a stroke, we lost her. Two days before her funeral, our beloved Step Dad went, peacefully and quietly with us at his side, a new experience for Meg and I, I can tell you, and tonight my gorgeous Sister in Law has finally got the rest she so badly needed.

Nana, Enid, Pops and Jo were all ARE ALL larger than life personalities. Many laughs, much straight talking and much, much more will all be missed by many more people than just me. I guess this is just my little tribute to them.

But it's getting a bit ridiculous now. Despite these all being unrelated I wonder how long it'll be before people start crossing the street to avoid us!

It's when stuff like this goes down you really can count your friends even more. My friends have been blinding about Steve's increasing and profound disabilities, and once again they've come up trumps for us this evening with kind messages of support and love.

Once again I feel very loved - and that's lovely.

Now people, I need you to focus for a few moments. I want you to take a great big breath in ........... and summon up every bit of optimism and positivity you have. When you exhale, I want you to send it to my new friend Misha who's going to get some results tomorrow.

We're all rooting for you.

Oh and I'm really sorry peeps who are wanting me to sponsor them for stuff - I will, I promise, but I've been a bit busy, as you know.

On the plus side it puts my disheveled and unfinished house at the bottom of my priority list - where it belongs. It'll get done, it isn't the be all and end all, and it ain't that important. Is it?