... because life's too short to do anything ALL the time . Creativity and positivity are my "hiraeth"

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

His Infernal Majesty

I didn't have to work today as the lady I'm shadowing is off. It's a good job actually as my car sprang a leak and has had to go tot the car hospital for a tank replacement. I'm gutted, I lost half a tank of fuel overnight last night. Apart from the monetary cost, that's litres of fuel seeping into the soil and I hate the thought of that. But, I don't think I'd have found out the leak was that bad until I did fill it up. Still gutting though. SO I'm out in Hubby's car tomorrow, leaving him stranded. Don't worry, he won't be bored. I've compiled a"to-do" list :)

As usual, so it seems, the girls in work are correct. I got more done housework wise on the day that I work than on the day that I'm off. I really haven't achieved a great deal today at home, but in my craft group this morning I taught 5 ladies how to crochet. They got cracking on it, learned really well and then I was stuck with nothing to do as I'd rushed getting out in the morning and went out without half the things I needed.

I'm going to a gig on Friday with Meg, and I need a heartagram top (it's a band thing) so, obviously, I need to make one. I've copied it on to paper and now, I need to transfer it onto my top, which is black, so I've got to find my white pencil and draw it on first, bead it, then hope to god that the pencil comes off in the wash. I'm sure it will, but I can see me sat in the services on the M5 at half past six on Friday night listening to HIM and beading. I bloomin' hope not. For some reason I appear to give the impression I'm organised but I'm so not.

I need to sort out my "play room". It's a state, but given that I have to be in Newport by 7.45 tomorrow morning, I don't know how much of it I'll get done. I have a good few hours of work to look forward to tomorrow and I don't want to be shattered.

Anything good on the telly tonight?

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