As usual, my lovely Husband and my lovely friend's medical lives have coincided once again.
Stevie was given bail on Thursday while J was sent down on Friday, and my goodness what an ordeal she has had.
She's a sufferer of advanced endometriosis and is on one of the first of many surgeries. A little while ago she asked me to make her what we like to call a "lady garden warmer".
You see these microwaveable heat packs are great for pain relief, but they're the wrong shape, so I made her a heart shaped one from a fleece blanket, some cotton leftovers, lots of swearing and some lady bird printed felt. Unfortunately, I failed to take a photo of it before I gave it to her, so I'll have to get her to take one, which she won't mind doing - she needs the practice on her new phone.
I'm up to a severe amount of creativity at the moment, but most of it I just can't tell you about it because it's a real, proper secret. But what I am doing is keeping a photo log of all the lovely things so that I can share them after the big surprise.
So I'm trying to continue with creativity I can talk about in the mean time! Aaaaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhh I REALLY WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!!
Oooh, and my lovely friend Helen gave me a friendship cake to "grow". It's still bubbling - I haven't killed it!